A few years ago, when I was first married, every ward I went to had you fill out a questionare asking: What are your hobbies?
I always left this blank because I felt watching movies in my jammies and shopping were not the "typical" response. So over the years I have tryed to fill in that blank space with things I LOVE to do and so here you have it.... some of my hobbies!
Contact me~
JloMamaJama (@) aol (dot) com
My son Connor's birthday is coming up and he is really into games. So I thought I would make him a memory game. He loves robots and I found this super cute paper and the round box at Michaels. I actually found these chipboard circles first and they inspired the whole project. I painted them, and mod podged the paper on the backs. And did the same for the front of all the circles. I love them and have plans to make some for church with faces of the prophets.
that is awesome! I've been wanting to make something like this for a while! I am going to make one for my nephews with photos of the family :)Thanks Jaime :)
I think you might like this blog: http://prudentbaby.blogspot.com/ check it out. Especially look for the fabric placemat throw pillow... super cute! Love you :)
I am so glad you did this! It has been on my to do list since Christmas, and now I feel better that someone else has finally done it. I am thinking that maybe I can check it off my list and live through you and say it is done! They look awesome! And I love the box you made to store them in, great, idea!
that is awesome! I've been wanting to make something like this for a while! I am going to make one for my nephews with photos of the family :)Thanks Jaime :)
I think you might like this blog: http://prudentbaby.blogspot.com/ check it out. Especially look for the fabric placemat throw pillow... super cute! Love you :)
I am so glad you did this! It has been on my to do list since Christmas, and now I feel better that someone else has finally done it. I am thinking that maybe I can check it off my list and live through you and say it is done! They look awesome! And I love the box you made to store them in, great, idea!
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