Friday, May 13, 2011

Crap to Craft- fun summer sandals

It's cold here. I had a swimsuit sent to me to review about a month ago (review and giveaway on that soon to come to Leelou) but it has been so windy and overcast here I haven't been able to get some sun on my pasty skin to take pictures in it.


And to get me in the mood, I had to make some fun summer sandals for my girls. My mom made some of these the other day for them and I had to make more. I'll have to take pictures of the ones she made they are multicolored and fun for all the birthdays I have next month.

You start with a simple pair of flip flops.

Buy a pack of small water balloons and tie them on. You need 100 balloons for each shoe. I tied them twice to make sure they held.

They end up something like this:

You can pull and poke them to shape the way you want them. Adorable and the whole project cost $3.00!!!